A Quarter of Pressure

 I have to admit that this quarter really has burned me out. Whenever I do my requirements I do it with the thought that I just want it to be finished and not with the actual thought of taking my time and learn it, and I think thats what distance learning lack-- giving students the time to actually learn their topics. I wouldn’t blame the teachers, for both learners and educators are stuck with this type of system. Though it was tiring, there are some moments where I thoroughly enjoyed what I am doing; when the topic of our blog interests me, when our task in research thrills me, when the concepts to be tackled in math is interesting. These moments spark my 3rd quarter and I am thankful for it. Up till now, I have been very disorganized and still prone to procrastination which upsets me, I hope that I will finally  establish a routine for the 4th quarter, especially since there are days to attend school, which means adapting and adjustment. 


Currently, I have so much to catch up on. I have essays to write, forms to answer, three thematics to do, a research paper to finish, and I am overwhelmed and incredibly pressured. But with the thought of finally learning in a classroom, face to face, keeps me going and revived my excitement for learning. This quarter has been tough and mentally draining, but I'm sure that for  the last quarter I will be more lively and excited because face to face classes are coming soon. I absolutely can't wait, See you there! 



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