Quarter ends, lessons learned

Hooray! Another quarter has just ended once again and lessons had been learned once more through mistakes, challenges and problems. Through all the hardships we've all gone through this quarter we are growing, learning and progressing day by day, it may not be linear, but it is something to be proud of.


During the 2nd quarter of this school year, I have experienced an amount of challenges and problems I managed to handle, more particularly me being disorganized and having lack of time management. This has greatly affected my performance in answering and fulfilling my tasks or school requirements because, to put it simply, i was everywhere. Evidently, this challenge of mine is noticed in my subject at ICT that hinders me to excel on performing at this subject, but amid all the chaos and stress, I did learn a lot in this subject, particularly about HTML tags, their usage, creating a webpage and of-course, netiquettes.


Nevertheless, despite the bad habits, challenges, mistakes and problems encountered that has greatly affected me, I will keep on learning. Moving on to the 3rd quarter I will be more wise with my time and start to slowly practice on building a habit of organizing my school works. 2nd Quarter has been tough and I had also made a fair share of foolish mistakes, but I will not allow this to drag on too long onto my system and let it affect my future performances. I will be better and do better this 3rd Quarter. The quarter ends, and lessons have been learned. The new quarter begins!


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