Quarter one, I won!
ICT was one of the trail tracks that made my ride bumpy. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it’s mediocre, then sometimes, it gets difficult. No, not because of the concepts being tackled but because of the number of tasks and varied activities that make it overwhelming. If ICT alone is what I answer in one week then it wouldn’t have been so overwhelming, but with four more different subjects to juggle, it can lead to that point—being overwhelmed. Aside from the difficulties I’ve faced with ICT, I’ve learned how to utilize the internet efficiently and effectively with the different methods of searching, I’ve also learned how to promote movements, products, a place, or even myself efficiently through a blogging platform that offers specific blog types depending on what content I share. Out of all the topics our class have tackled in ICT during the first quarter, blogging is definitely my favourite, not only did the subject ICT teach me how to blog properly— use multimedia, write properly, observe netiquettes, but also gave me the chance to voice out and share my opinions, thoughts and harbored feelings against a certain topic, it taught me how to write to speak and it is empowering. Sure, it gets hard and overwhelming making a draft for a topic I know nothing about but that’s where I learn, by conducting extensive research, learning opinions and thoughts of the general public and learning the opinions and thoughts from people who ought to know through utilizing the internet or other sources, to form an idea, and to ultimately be knowledgeable about the topic being tackled.
Quarter one won’t end until November fifteen, but in the process of writing this blog, I have realized that this blog would put an end to my first quarter as a graduating student. Despite my mistakes and failures, I will continue to strive for the better, I will correct my mistakes and achieve more for every fail I’ve made. If I was unsatisfactory this quarter, then I’ll make it up for the next. Growing and progressing does not end here, in fact, it starts here. I’ve reached the end of the ride, a survivor after the war—Quarter one, I won! Second Quarter, bring it on!
- https://www.globalrailwayreview.com/wp-content/uploads/knowledge.jpg
- https://i1.wp.com/compass-seaschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/knowledge-base-software-1.jpg?w=1637&ssl=1
- https://usa7417.zendesk.com/hc/article_attachments/360065404313/file
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